Dynacron® is a molecular bonded, tungsten disulfide (WS2) dry film lubrication system that outperforms conventional lubricants. It can be applied to all metal, hardened and plated parts, and most man-made materials at room temperature to provide superior lubrication without altering the dimensional characteristics of the part or introducing contaminants common with wet lubricants.
The dry lubricant technology was originally developed for NASA as supplemental lubrication for use in aerospace programs. Its outstanding performance in outer space has led to uses in many other industries that require a superior lubrication system. The Dynacron process is now employed throughout the lubrication spectrum as a stand-alone lubricant or as a part of a lubrication system.

Dynacron is applicable to a wide range of industrial, aerospace, medical and automotive applications. Virtually any critical moving part in need of a continuous dry film lubricant will accept and benefit from Dynacron. Since it forms a molecular bond with the substrate it’s applied to it can even be used in high vacuum applications. And, it is non-toxic, inorganic, and inert, making it ideal for medical, dental, and surgical applications.
We have highlighted seven of the more widely used applications — simply click on each application shown on the right to find out more about the uses and benefits of Dynacron.
In addition to the high-quality application of Dynacron to your production parts, Surcom Industries offers: